Welcome to Daytradingdummy.com! I am Jonathan Reizovic, the Day Trading Dummy himself. Although I call myself a dummy, I am actually quite the opposite. I graduated high school at the top of my class, graduated college a semester early with a major in communications and a minor in business, and even made the Dean’s list a few times. All while spending more time out of class than in it! So obviously, I am no dummy! However, when it comes to day trading I have a lot to learn. There’s a lot to read, a lot to understand, and a lot of questions I have that the pros would definitely deem “dumb”. I am not going to say I don’t know anything about stocks because that would be a lie and lying is dumb.
I have actually traded stocks on and off since I was in high school. I had my mom open up an Etrade account for me with $1600 in it. I turned that into $4000 and bought my first car stereo with the money (my priorities were obviously different back then). If I remember my strategy correctly, I would look for stocks that were down a lot and buy them in hopes they would go back up. At this time it obviously worked and I profited almost 300%.
By the time I was off to college I didn’t have much money left for anything let alone investing. I was making minimum wage and all my money was going towards gas and partying. My interest in trading, however, was hardly gone. When I had time I would eye the market and even set up a few fantasy trading accounts with play money, but it wasn’t the same.
After I graduated I got a job in the communications field doing customer service that actually paid rather well. Not my ideal job, nor did it require a college degree, but I was making more money than most of my friends. I was also living with my grandmother so I was able to put money away. Now that I had money to play with, I started to get involved with stocks again. I used the same strategy outlined above and turned $5000 into $6000 in about a year, but then I stopped because I thought that this was too dangerous, and I started trading dividend stocks. I put another $4000 in my account and turned $10,000 into $10,450 in 4 months. Not a bad return. Much better than a bank, but sooo slow!
This brings us to where I am at today. I have made the decision to day trade, and to be honest I am looking to get rich quick! Things are getting bad at my job, and although I am not just going to take my things and leave, if I can succeed in day trading I will do just that. That being said, I am already in the red! I made my first day trade and lost $1000. I just jumped right into it based on rumors and message board chatter. The stock went up about 5% in the first 30 minutes of trading, but then took a turn south and proceeded to go down until I sold it at a 10% loss. It was a penny stock and this was a classic pump and dump, but I didn’t know this because I am the Day Trading Dummy.
After this tragic trade I decided I should educate myself further on day trading, penny stocks, pump and dumps, technical analysis and whatever I else I needed to know to make money day trading. I read a few books on technical analysis. The two I found most helpful were Tim Knight’s “Chart Your Way to Profits” and Steve Nison’s “Japanese Candlestick Charting Techniques
”. I ordered Timothy Sykes’ DVDs and signed up for his trade alerts because he is one of the best in the business. He turned $12,000 into $1.65 Million in a couple of years. He is still trading and documenting all of his trades and they are all verified! I wouldn’t spend my hard earned money on something I didn’t believe in and it seems to be helping.
I am learning and understanding more and more every day and actually starting to make trades that are profitable! The purpose of this site is to continue learning through doing and to document stock picks, trades, successes and failures to help myself and others become better traders. Will I get rich quick? Will I be a millionaire? Follow me on my journey, because I plan to be the dummy that does!
I will be posting stock picks here on DayTradingDummy.com that will include stocks charts, reasons for buying or shorting, as well as results, and I strongly recommend you subscribe via email for free daily stock picks and updates.
If you are also interested in viewing stock picks of other successful day traders I would recommend signing up for TimAlerts from Timothy Sykes or FousAlerts from Cameron Fous. Tim turned his $12,000 bar mitzvah money into $1.65 million in just over 2 years, buying breakouts and shorting penny stocks. Cameron Fous is a trader from California who primarily buys rebounds and breakouts. He is up over $297,000 since January of 2011. These are both very successful traders whose trading activity is tracked and verified. If you are interested in following their trades you can do so via these links: TimAlerts and FousAlerts.
Your site gave me a spark of hope and motivation. I am also day trading and self educating about stocks. I look forward to following your moves and hopefully learning something from you.